Must-know Headshot Tips for Every Actor

December 18, 2010
By Beatrice Holland

Actors appear to have such glamorous lives but at the beginning of their careers, there were some struggles in getting recognized and getting that big break. Whether your platform is the movies, TV or theater, you'll want to get a headshot to present to the agent or casting director to get that first impression. Because the actor's face is the best asset when presented on the screen, the headshot is really quite significant in launching the career.

You will find the internet really helpful in getting your perfect headshot. There are a lot of resources and information regarding the many photographers in the business. Just give their websites a visit to familiarize yourself with their work. When searching, you'll also need to select a suitable location for the photo shoot. No need to go all the way to New York just to get a great headshot because there are good photographers all over the country. You might even find one in your hometown. Look into local talent agencies, too; find an honest, licensed agency and talk to them about doing your headshots.

After your research, note at most five photographers you fancy and contact each of them. Make sure you discuss and arrange the specifics properly to get your money's worth. Decide on a number of photos you will need for the session. The number of poses is also important as well as the purpose of the photo. Distinguish it as theatrical or commercial. You may also need make-up or hair done on the set. Most importantly, the price will have to be properly arranged. If the photographer cannot meet any of these specifications in taking headshots, move on to the next photographer on your list.

One you have decided on a photographer, arrange the date of the photo shoot and select the most appropriate wardrobe. Double check that your photographer has internalized your specifications and make sure you also do your job in looking the part. Make yourself more flexible by going formal and casual with your attire. You can show off your funny side on the first few frames and then switch to a more serious side on the last frames. This will help you in finalizing your headshot.

Never lose communication with the photographer. Go right away into hair and makeup once you arrive on set for the session. You can also present your selection of clothes to the photographer. Coordinate with the photographer and keep your options open as you finalize your look for your headshot.

You'll want to enjoy the whole process of taking your headshot as it is your moment to shine and impress. Keep an open mind and be open as well to the suggestions the photographer might throw at you. It's a good idea to consider these because of course, the photographers know more about looking the part than you do.

You also might want to get your hair styled or cut before the session because there are some that will not cover hair and make-up. Moreover, try bringing a family member or friend with you on the shoot just to be safe. These photographers wouldn't mind having someone sitting in.

Make sure you are free to do what you like and that you are comfortable with it. Don't ever be forced into nude shots or anything else you might not like. If the photographer starts hinting at this, speak up or walk right out of the set.

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